Answered By: Debra Flewelling
Last Updated: May 12, 2021     Views: 424

Yes! You can request journal articles that are not at Douglas College by making a request for an interlibrary loan. The online form that you can fill out is linked below. It could take up to 10 days for requests to be filled. Articles will be held for pick-up at the designated campus.

If the article is at the other Douglas Campus, please fill out the Intercampus Article Request or place a hold at the circulation desk. It usually takes two working days for requests to be filled and they are only filled for items that are not available at your pickup location.

If you are online using one of our databases, there is often a "Check other Libraries" or "Request Interlibrary Loan" option that will lead you to an online form that you can fill out as well.

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